Driving the integration of livestock value chains indicates a clear benefit across the sector’s stakeholders. But in order to ensure regional integration, engagement and knowledge sharing is required from grassroots organisations, all the way to Regional Economic Communities.
The vision for the AU-IBAR Ecosystem is one of strengthened capacity across the sector and strengthened capacity will result with integration and knowledge sharing and knowledge management.
Driving the integration of livestock value chains indicates a clear benefit across the sector’s stakeholders. But in order to ensure regional integration, engagement and knowledge sharing is required from grassroots organisations, all the way to Regional Economic Communities.
The vision for the AU-IBAR Ecosystem is one of strengthened capacity across the sector and strengthened capacity will result with integration and knowledge sharing and knowledge management.
Knowledge management is critical to the efficiencies of any organisation or network. Today however, within the plethora of technologies that permit sharing of information across email, social media platforms, WhatsApp and other platforms make the management of knowledge easier but leaves the assurance of retention is at high risk.
The AU-IBAR Ecosystem is an online platform that has been designed and developed to:
● Support knowledge sharing and build knowledge communities.
● Drive collaboration, co-creation and creativity across networks, groups, organisations, government agencies etc.
● Facilitate a central platform for sharing information.
● Enable cross-continental, cross-institutional as well as cross-functional networking.
● Support and enable robust knowledge communities.
Knowledge communities are groups of people who share common challenges, opportunities, or a passion for a given topic who then come together and collaborate to deepen their understanding of that topic through ongoing learning and knowledge sharing.
Networks and groups are at the core of the ecosystem. These entities are designed with collaboration in mind. The ecosystem accelerates that agenda.
Visit the AU-IBAR profile to gain further insights into this ecosystem.