Research and Data
Combating IUU Fishing and Protecting Aquatic Biodiversity and Environment
Consolidating the assessment conceptual framework, data collection and analysis tools
Naivasha -
Current Status and Planning for Improving the Livestock Early Warning in the SADC MS
Development of Terms of Reference for the African Union Animal Resources Seed Centres of Excellence
Lagos Lagos 20741 -
Expert Writeshop on Upgrade of the West Africa Poultry Value Chains
Abidjan -
Expert Writeshop to Finalise Documentation on the EAC Dairy Value Chain
Fish Cage Culture
Fisheries and Aquaculture - Media Engagement
Fisheries and Aquaculture Database, AFADATA, Egypt
Egypt -
Fisheries Governance 2 Project
Fisheries, Aquaculture and Blue Economy
Gender Mainstreaming - Ethiopia
Gender Strategy Development for Côte d’Ivoire
International Scientific Council for Trypanosomiasis Research and Control (ISCTRC)
ISCTRC Abstracts and Bios
Joint Management Plans and Protocols and Harmonized Regional Frameworks
Kenya Livestock Master Plan
Knowledge Share Fair - Mombasa