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    Third Meeting of Small-Scale Fisheries Working Groups of the AFRM

    Starts 2024/03/04 at 12:00 PM CAT
    Ends 2024/03/05 at 12:00 PM CAT
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    Added by Fahim Kremeier
    The Second Phase of the Fisheries Governance Project (FishGov2) funded by EU and currently under implementation by AU-I BAR acknowledges the central role of the African Fisheries Reform Mechanism and provided a key activity to support its functions. The African Fisheries Reform Mechanism (AFRM), a continental partnership platform aimed at facilitating coordination and coherence in the governance of fisheries and aquaculture sector. Specifically, the AFRM supports information sharing on lesson and best practices, enhance communication, foster institutional collaboration, promote partnerships, strengthen evidenced-based policy formulation and promote integration or mainstreaming of the sector in AU policy process, increase common African positions in regional and global fora.