World Veterinary Day 2021 - The Veterinarian Response to the Covid-19 Crisis
Posted by Patricia Lumba on 09 April 2021 1:10 PM CAT

The 2021 World Veterinary Day theme is The Veterinarian Response to the Covid-19 Crisis. AU-IBAR will commemorate this day by discussing pertinent issues driving the implementation of the Animal Health Strategy for Africa (AHSA) through a podcast series and a webinar.
More information on how AU-IBAR will be commemoration this event will be shared on this platform and AU-IBAR Website. If you are a veterinarian, we invite you to share your experiences of how you have responded to the COVID-19 Crises. Join the Discussion
World Veterinary Day is a global professional observance celebrated annually on the last Saturday in April. It was established in 2000 by the World Veterinary Association (WVA). The WVA is an international organization involved in representing the global veterinary profession. It unites international and national veterinary associations, bringing veterinarians from all over the world together.
World Veterinary Day (WVD) focuses on promoting the veterinary profession and drawing the general public and mass media's attention to the significant contribution of veterinaries to society.