Masterplan for Sustainable Coastal, Marine Tourism, and Mining_Kenya
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March 24
Mercy Mango @Masterplan for Sustainable Coastal, Marine Tourism, and Mining_Kenya posted a photo: Group-Photo_Kenya CMT (People)
2 years ago
Mercy Mango @Masterplan for Sustainable Coastal, Marine Tourism, and Mining_Kenya shared the files: AU-IBAR GROUP 3 _ Mineral Mining Presentation 23032024.docx, AU-IBAR GROUP 1 _ Coastal and Marine Tourism ISSUES Presentation.docx, AU-IBAR GROUP 2 _ Oil and Gas ToRs presentations.docx, AU-IBAR GROUP 3 - Minerals - POLICY.docx, AU-IBAR GROUP 1 _ Coastal and Marine Tourism ISSUES Presentation.docx, AU-IBAR GROUP 2 - Oil & Gas - POLICY.docx, 3 FULANDA _ CMT OGM Workshop 23rd March Group TORs.docx, AU-IBAR GROUP 1 - Coastal & Marine Tourism - POLICY.docx, 2 FULANDA _ CMT OGM Workshop Nairobi March 2023.pdf, 1 FULANDA _ CMT OGM Workshop -Legislation Reviews.pdf
2 years ago