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Livestock sector exhibits potential to drive economic growth
Zimbabwe’s livestock sector is positioned to take a leading role in the national inclusive...
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RAFFS Project gamechanger for women: AU-IBAR director
AFRICAN Union – InterAfrican Bureau for Animal Resources (AU-IBAR) director Huyam Salih says the...
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AWARFA-N pleads for land from government
ZIMBABWE African Women in Animal Resources Farming and Agribusiness Network (AWARFA-N) president...
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RAFFS Project to be launched in Zimbabwe
THE African Union-InterAfrican Bureau for Animal Resources (AU-IBAR) and the Bill and Melinda Gates...
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RAFFS Project helps sustain feed and fodder sector: Expert
FEED and fodder business development expert David Maina says the resilient African feed and fodder...
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Govt pledges full support for the feed & fodder project
THE government has committed its full support to the resilient African feed and fodder systems...
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Atelier Régional sur les Accords d’Accès aux Ressources Halieutiques dans les pays Côtiers Riverains de l’Océan Atlantique
L’atelier régional sur les accords d’accès aux ressources halieutiques des États africains de...
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Ouverture de la sixième assemblée générale de l’APRIFAAS à Tanger, Maroc : Renforcer la coopération régionale pour une meilleure intégration environnementale dans le secteur de la pêche et de l’aquaculture
Début ce jour à Tanger, Maroc de la sixième assemblée générale de la Plateforme Africaine pour les...
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Pioneering African Women In Feed And Fodder Sector Ignites A Trailblazing Path For Others
Against all odds, women are defying convention and spearheading a groundbreaking revolution in the...
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