An African Union Workshop Explores Solutions for Feed and Fodder Systems in Africa
Posted by Fiona Imbali on 18 August 2023 2:30 PM CAT

The African Union InterAfrican Bureau for Animal Resources (AU-IBAR) organised an important Stakeholder Initiation and Consultative Workshop from 24th to 28th July 2023 in Naivasha, Kenya.
The meeting was organised under AU-IBARs Resilient African Feed and Fodder Systems (RAFFS) Project. The project aims to enhance collaboration across the continent to address issues of lack of sufficient feed and fodder which are critical for the development of livestock and agricultural sectors.
This event saw delegates from selected African Union Member States of Kenya, Cameroon, Nigeria, Somalia, Uganda, and Zimbabwe discuss pertinent issues on feed and fodder shortages amidst the triple C global crises of Climate Change, Covid-19 and the Conflict in Russia-Ukraine.
Feed and fodder are pivotal to the livestock sector, accounting for a substantial 60 to 70% of total costs. The demand for these resources has outstripped supply, leaving livestock populations undernourished and impacting productivity. The RAFFS Project aims to reverse these trends by addressing deficits and fostering sustainable development in African livestock farming. Experts shared their countries challenges, opportunities and proposed solutions to the crises.