Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (University of Cape Coast) - AU-IBAR ECOSYSTEM

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Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (University of Cape Coast)


The University of Cape Coast's Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (DFAS)


The African Union has recognized the University of Cape Coast's Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (DFAS) in Ghana as a centre of excellence. Over 80,000 students are enrolled at the University of Cape Coast, which was founded on a beachfront in 1962. In 2002, the Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences was officially recognised as a department within the university. Within the School of Biological Sciences of the College of Agriculture and Natural Sciences, it is one of seven departments and a centre. The AU-Centre of Excellence in Marine Fisheries and Coastal Zone Management is one of the SBS's two (2) Centres of Excellence at present.

Teaching and research are being conducted within the Department, with one undergraduate and eight graduate degree programmes being offered. DFAS is staffed by twelve (12) full-time faculty members who specialise in the following areas: fisheries science and management; fisheries governance; shellfish and finfish aquaculture; coastal resources management; marine science and ecology; ecological risk assessment and modelling; ecotoxicology and water quality management; coastal geomorphology and processes; marine biogeochemistry and pollution; oceanographic and limnological processes; and coastal geomorphology and processes.

Activities Under FishGov 2

Contact Us:

Noble K. Asare (PhD)
Centre Leader

Recent Activity

February 06

December 04

Patricia Lumba @University of Cape Coast contributed to the wiki Profile Spotlight

2 years ago

Patricia Lumba @University of Cape Coast contributed to the wiki Profile Message

2 years ago

AU-IBAR is collaborating with the AU Centre of Excellence in Marine Fisheries and Coastal Zone Management that is part of the University of Cape Coast. The centre is currently developing a continental fisheries and aquaculture data base.

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Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences

by Patricia Lumba

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