Zimbabwe Benefits From U.S.$6,9 Million Animal Health Project
Posted by Patricia Lumba on 26 September 2021 6:30 PM CAT

Zimbabwe is set to benefit from a US$6,9 million project which was launched recently to combat animal trypanosomiasis, a parasitic disease transmitted by biting flies including tsetse that continue to cause serious economic losses for smallholder farmers in Africa.
CIRAD, a French agricultural research and cooperation organization announced that it will coordinate a four-year COMBAT project funded with €5,9 million (US$6,9 million) from the European Union's H2020 programme to contain the parasitic diseases that now risks being introduced into Europe due to globalisation and environmental changes. The project will aim to improve the knowledge base on animal parasitic diseases, develop innovative control tools, strengthen surveillance, diagnosis and control networks by setting up harmonised epidemiological information systems and national and regional control strategies.