Réunion Ministérielle Régionale du Comité Technique Spécialisé pour l'Alimentation et l'Agriculture
Posted by Charlenne Gatoto on 01 October 2021 2:00 PM CAT
On the 27th September, 2021, the Ministerial meeting of the Specialized Technical Committee on Agriculture, Environment and Water Resources was held to better coordinate ECOWAS interventions for livestock development in West Africa. The meeting, held in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, was held with the aim to better coordinate efforts to control animal diseases and its intervention for the development of livestock in West Africa. The launch was undertaken by the Regional Animal Health Centre (RAHC) of ECOWAS as part of the solution to eradicate animal diseases, which constitute a major obstacle to the increase of animal productivity in the region. (See attached press release).