Thank you to all those that managed to respond to our survey on livestock market information system. We have extended the deadline to 14th February, 2022, and would appreciate hearing from more of you. You voice matters.
Access the survey via: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/H9GLTHX?lang=en
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AU-IBAR, together with the Regional Economic Communities are conducting a livestock market information systems audit.
The study seeks to:
i. Identify current and future priorities in terms of information, infrastructure, skills and technology, and related services
ii. Conduct a SWOT analysis for examining Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats of existing Livestock related Market Information Systems;
iii. Assess infrastructure capabilities and knowledge resources on livestock market information systems;
iv. Undertake a knowledge inventory analysis by identifying the explicit or physical MIS
v. Identify gaps between available infrastructure and needed capacities based on regional livestock market priorities and capitalize on strengths or make improvements.
We are undertaking a participatory review to contribute to our findings and recommendations for policy decisions going forward..
Stakeholders are invited to respond to our questionnaire by 14th February, 2022.
The survey is available via: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/H9GLTHX?lang=en
Further information on the study may be obtained from:
Mrs. Patricia Mweene Lumba <patricia.lumba@au-ibar.org>
Dr. Kingstone Mujeyi <kingmujeyi@gmail.com>
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