By Dr. Simplice Nouala; Head of the Agriculture and Food Security Division at the African Union Commission

Global North perceptions of the livestock sector should not be imposed on poor countries that suffer from undernutrition.

As the 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27) proceeds in Egypt, few seem to be acknowledging that the elephant in the room is actually a cow. The livestock sector has faced global scrutiny for its contribution to climate change, but is reducing livestock production actually a fair, or even an honest, climate outcome? Read More

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Qualified universities and specialised knowledge-based institutions are invited to apply for consideration as African Union Centres of Excellence in the following disciplines:

  1. Aquatic ecology and biodiversity conservation; and,
  2. Management of Aquatic ecosystems, including Environmental Protection.

Access More information and apply by 31 October, 2022


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The First Annual VetEd Africa Conference on ‘Veterinary Clinical Skills Training and Assessment for OneHealth” – VetEd Africa 2022 – will be held on 1-3 November, 2022 in Pretoria, South Africa.

Academicians and researchers from veterinary establishments across Africa are invited to submit abstracts for peer review. There are speaker packages to defray some accommodation and travel expenses. Submit your abstract via by 1st September, 2022.

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To coordinate, support, monitor, and evaluate the implementation of the African Union One Health Strategy for Zoonotic Disease Prevention and Control across the Member States, the African Union Interagency Group on One Health has been established. The Interagency was established during a meeting on One Health that took place from 13-14 June 2022 at AU-IBAR in Nairobi, Kenya. The Interagency comprises several AU offices that have been mandated to deal with various aspects of human/ animal health interventions, namely: The Africa Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC); The African Union InterAfrican Bureau for Animal Resources (AU-IBAR); The Scientific, Technical and Research Commission (STRC); The Department of Agriculture, Rural Development and Blue Economy (DARBE); The Department of Health, Humanitarian Affairs, and Social Development (HHS); the InterAfrican Phytosanitary Council (AU-IAPSC); and the Citizens and Diaspora Organizations (CIDO).Read More

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Picture: @Gmelich

The African Union- InterAfrican Bureau for Animal Welfare (AU-IBAR), Africa Network for Animal Welfare (ANAW), and the World Federation for Animals (WFAN) have released a joint report titled "Towards adoptation of the UNEA Resolution: Animal Welfare - Environment-Sustainable Development Nexus. Read more


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The African Union has unveiled a new initiative that seeks to enhance the empowerment of women and girls on the continent. The newly announced “African Union’s Women and Youth Financial and Economic Inclusion Initiative”, seeks to unlock USD20 billion, to enable financing opportunities and parity in employment for at least 1 million African women and youth by 2030. While unveiling the initiative, the African Union Commission Deputy Chairperson, Dr Monique Nsanzabaganwa emphasised that women and youth form the biggest part of Africa's population at nearly 75 percent, yet they continually face significant socio-economic barriers that constrain their ability to contribute meaningfully to their communities, countries, and continental development. See attachement.

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The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF) have scaled up the Predictive Livestock Early Warning Information System (PLEWS), currently being implemented in Kenya, to Uganda to better be able to gauge and predict issues affecting cross-border dynamics. Read more from source

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AU-IBAR, together with the Regional Economic Communities are conducting a livestock market information systems audit.
The study seeks to:
i.    Identify current and future priorities in terms of information, infrastructure, skills and technology, and related services 
ii.    Conduct a SWOT analysis for examining Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats of existing Livestock related Market Information Systems;
iii.    Assess infrastructure capabilities and knowledge resources on livestock market information systems;
iv.    Undertake a knowledge inventory analysis by identifying the explicit or physical MIS
v.    Identify gaps between available infrastructure and needed capacities based on regional livestock market priorities and capitalize on strengths or make improvements.

We are undertaking a participatory review to contribute to our findings and recommendations for policy decisions going forward.. 

Stakeholders are invited to respond to our questionnaire by 14th February, 2022.

The survey is available via: 

Further information on the study may be obtained from:  

Mrs. Patricia Mweene Lumba <>
Dr. Kingstone Mujeyi <>

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42 results found